Friday, 17 January 2014

When you see a rainbow

Hello again, at the moment time seems to fly by between each of my weekly posts!

It's been an interesting week. At times it's been a very hard week. I have had quite a bit to do and it's left me tired and worn out.

Now I don't know about you, but when I get tired I get grumpy, very grumpy! When I am feeling that way nothing seems to be going right.  Small little things that would not normally bother me really get to me; and really I get like a grumpy old man! 

That's the kind off mood I was in this morning. Tired and grumpy. I went to the opticians and afterwards I had a bit if time to kill before heading to another meeting.

So feeling down in the dumps I walked down to an old car park next to the sea.

I stood looking at the sea and watching the low winter sun making everything shimmer and shine and took a photo. 

"It's nice" I said to myself, but even this was not enough to cheer me up.

But then I turned around and saw the most amazing rainbow.

It reminded me of the story of Noah. I'm sure everyone learned it as a child at school or church. It can be found in the book if Genesis.

Here is what God said to Noah about the rainbow.

When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.” 

(Genesis 9:16 NLT)

That blew me away. The rainbow I am looking at, amazed by it's beauty is the same rainbow God is looking at remembering his covenant.

That really cheered me up and helped me think more positively. Because even at times when God seems far away and times seem hard he is actually right there with us, watching over us. 

So if your feeling fed up at any point then try to remember you are not alone. God is with you and will never leave you.


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