Friday, 10 January 2014

There is nothing in life for free!

This afternoon I am sat in one of my favourite places, a little quay a  few minutes walk from my parents house. (See the picture) I love it down here, its one of the few places I can relax; I love to just come down here and chill, read, pray and today write my blog!

Im not as young as I used to be, and I thought it was about time I got my eyes tested, as I have not had an eye test since before I joined the Navy 14 years ago. So today I went down into town to book a test. 

On the way back I thought to myself I might treat myself to a coffee from my favourite coffee shop. I am trying to save money, so I have  been resisting my daily trip to the coffee shop at work; but as I have been good all week I decided I could afford one cup! 

So I ordered my coffee and the girl behind the counter asked if I would like it for free? Being quite tired and slow today I said "Well yeah, but how on earth can I have it for free?" The look on her face was priceless as she replied "Well you have enough  points on your loyalty card for a free coffee." Needless to say I jumped at the chance of a free brew.

I left the shop well happy, not only did I have my coffee I didn't have to pay for it! But as I walked up the hill to my car I started to think. Really that coffee was not free. I get 1p on that card for each $1 (That should be a pound sign! But it turns out my I pad keyboard only has a dollar symbol!) So to get a two pound cup of coffee free, I had had to spend............Well too much money!

The saying "You don't get anything for free in this life came to mind" And I started to try and think of things in life I had got for free. In reality there is very little in life you can get for free which comes without a catch. Often things advertised as free have some for of requirement or payment which will be required to get your goods. Some times to get things for free you need to meet a certain criteria. I get my eye test for free because the forces pay. But if i was not in the Armed Forces I would not meet that criteria and I would have to pay.

But there is one thing in life which is guaranteed free. Gods forgiveness. Although we are naturally sinful beings and many of us (In reality all of us if we admit it) have areas of our lives where sin is present. Yet Gods forgiveness for that is free. There is no catch! you don't need to meet any criteria.

Don't get me wrong, your forgiveness and mine did have a cost, but it has already been paid on the cross by Jesus. 

As The Bible tells us In Matthew:

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:28 NIV)

If you want God's forgiveness all you have to do is pray and ask for it! Because it has already been paid for! Now that really is something amazing for free!

The Sailing Salvationist

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