Thursday, 17 April 2014


Hello everyone. I hope you are all set to have a great Easter.

I had a few unexpected days off this week. One morning I went across to one of the Corps in my area which was having a prayer day.

It was a lovely sunny day, so after that I decided to make the most of it and have a nice walk along the north coast.

This is where I was walking. Amazing isn't it?

The north coast of Cornwall is beautiful. It is rugged and battered. The Atlantic Ocean pounds the rocks and cliffs. This creates some amazing scenery.

But the North Coast of Cornwall also lots of Minerals such copper and tin. So for hundreds of years man mined these cliffs. Some of the mines even streach miles out to sea.

Then problem is the mining seriously effected the land all around. The soil which was pulled up from under the ground was very acidic and killed off lots of the grass and plants. 

The mines also grew into massive complexes which covered much of the area.

As the Cornish mining industry declined many of these mines closed and left the landscape broken and scarred. 

But over the hundred of so years since these mines have closed nature has taken over. Plants which love acidic soil have grown. The weather has battered and softens the old mine ruins. 

Where before man had destroyed and made ugly God has transformed into beauty.

Now this week that made me think of Easter. 

God gave us his own Son Jesus. Who was brutally killed on the cross for our sins. He was literally killed by men for the sins of men.

Yet such a horrific event by man was transformed by God. This horrific death means that we can now be reunited with God. That through Jesus' death and resurrection, we can be forgiven for our sins and given eternal life.

Now I think that's amazing! God can turn something horrific into something beautiful. He did it with the Cornish Country side and he did it with Jesus' death on the cross. 

But if we ask him he can also do it with our lives. Now that's what I will be thinking about and asking him for this Easter this Easter.

The Sailing Salvationist

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