Saturday, 7 December 2013

Is your life hectic?

Hello everyone, I am really sorry I did not write a post last week, as you know I was on holiday. I planned to write a post on the train on the way home, however it seems the train company had other ideas. I ended up standing half way across the country even though I had a seat booked. By the the time I finally managed to get my seat I was shatterd.

Then for the rest of this week I kept on planning to write a post, but things just kept on coming up. I also guess that is the whole point of this post really. Its all about life being hectic.

People who reguarly read this blog will probably have noticed that the tone of these posts have changed a lot between when I was on the ship and now I am at home. When I was on the ship my posts were often more Biblical and theological. Where as since I have been back my posts have been more social work based. 

There is a reason for this, when I am on the ship I have lots of time to sit around and think and read and just be a more thinking person really. But when I am at home it is totally different. Most of the time I do not know if I am coming or going. I always seem to be rushing here or there doing this and that. 

Dont get me wrong when I am at home a lot of my time is spent doing Army work,in fact I spend more time doing Army work than Navy work (Dont tell my boss!). But this can mean The partys of my life which are so important to me when I am at sea such as prayer and Bible study can get left behind.

Thats reaslly not good. Life can be hectic and we can spend our time running and rushing everywhere, often doing work for the Church, but if that means we forget why we are doing it then it can be harmful to our spiritual lives.

This week I am going to really try to take a little bit of time each day to try and get as disiplined as I was about reading my Bible when I was at sea. If you have let things go a bit slack recently and you know you have not been spending as much time as you probably should have reading the Bible then why not join me.

The Sailing Salvationist.

P.S. My fitness training has gone out the window as well, but I can wait until the new year to get back on track with that!  

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