Sorry this post is a few days late. Today I went to youth councils and gave my testimony about how God has called me to step out.
I know the other week I posted my testimony, and I don't want to repeat the same kind of posts all the time but I think this is worth sharing with everyone.
Hope it challenges you all :-)
The Sailing Salvationist.
Most of us know this story well. Jonahs
plan to run from God's calling did not work out too well for him.
I can really relate to Jonah. I spent
many years running from God. Ignoring his call in many different areas in my
Like Jonah my plan to run away from God
and just hope he would forget me did not work out well.
I grew up in The Salvation Army, yet as
soon as my parents let me; at the age of about 14 I left.
I didn't think I needed to stick to any
kind of rules, or be told what to do by people who went to Church.
As soon as I left School At 16 I
joined the Royal Navy and quickly fell into bad habits. Smoking, drinking and
girls were the main things that interested me. And I spent almost all my time
not at work perusing them.
often felt God was calling me back but I just did not want to be told what to
do. Just Like Jonah I wanted to go my own way.
I did not end up in the belly of a big fish like Jonah I did end up in a really
dark and hard place. This made me start to doubt there even was a God.
often asked myself "If God did exist why did everything seem to go wrong
in my life?"
went on a course in Portsmouth and when there I got into contact with a group
of guys called the Naval Christian Fellowship, and I started to hang out with
them a lot.
went with them to Momentum in 2010 and one evening decided now was the time to
make a decision. I could not be a Christian half heartedly anymore, I either
fully gave my life to Christ or I stopped playing at being a Christian. So I
went to the front and asked Christ to forgive my sins and fill me with the Holy
Spirit to empower me to change my life in the ways that I needed to.
began to realise all the things which had gone wrong in my life were not
because of God, they were because I had ignored him and tried living how I
wanted to.
I continued to hang out with the NCF guys and
to go to church with them, but I still did not feel at home in the churches we
went to. When in Feb 2011 I got drafted to RNAS Culdrose I returned to Falmouth
found that I fitted right back in and felt I was back at home and where God
wanted me to be.
became an Adherent member early in 2011, I wanted to be a Soldier, however I
felt that my life in the RN was not compatible with Salvation Army Soldiership.
like Jonah I was not committing fully to Gods plan and continued to run from
as the year went on I spent a lot of time in prayer and thought. I came to the
decision that there was nothing stopping me becoming a Soldier in the SA except
in January 2012 I became a Soldier in The Salvation Army.
I knew being a Soldier in the Army was not all God wanted from me, as much as I
felt called to be a Soldier I felt called to officership.
again I still acted like Jonah, I put it off and thought to myself "I can
finish my time in the Navy and then become an officer."
more I kept on making excuses though the more I felt God calling me to
I knew I could not keep on running from God and his plan for my life. I had to
step out and live fully for him.
So in the past year I have applied to leave
the Royal Navy and started the process to try to become a Salvation Army
has been a massive leap of faith, leaving a job I love and one which I thought I
would do until I retired. Many people, especially friends at work think that I
am crazy.
have also been many difficulties in the candidate process. I have faced lots of
opposition from the Navy. And the process certainly has not been helped by the
fact I have had to do a large part of the part of it when at sea in the Middle
of it has been easy, and there have been some very stressful times, but I have
found that every time there has been an obstacle God has smashed it down. In
reality I did not need to worry at all.
have learned God has everything in hand, and when you are truly following his
plan, you just need to trust him and he will make it happen.
everyone is called to Officership, but God does have a plan for every single
person in this room today.
might be Officership, it might be Soldiership, he might be calling you to live
for him right where you are at work, college or school.
really we all have a simple choice, we can run and ignore God, or we can step
out, trust him and follow what we think is his plan for our lives.
Jonah I finally decided to follow Gods plan for my life. It took nearly 30
years of running before I did this. But I can honestly say that since I have
God has certainly made my life exciting and interesting!
ask you today to seriously consider what God is asking you to do.
about it, pray about it and talk to people about it. Don't run from God.
like me and Jonah found out, you can't run far enough away and God never gives
up on us, no matter how much we may want him to.